Is AIDS A Point Of No Return?

December 18, 2011

There is nothing quite as life-altering as being told you don't have long to live. It’s impossible to imagine what that must be like.Over the years, I’ve felt the pain and suffering of thousands of patients but I have to say that looking at someone suffering from AIDS is the most soul-stirring. Kunal Joshi told me what it felt like.


Challenging A Life Sentence

October 6, 2011

Three severely pathological cases… three gut-wrenching stories of abject despair… and three happy endings! I never fail to feel a sense of joyful elation that I was chosen to be an instrument of this amazing healing system.People like Siddesh, Shrutika and Rukshana make it all worthwhile...


Autism: Louder Than Words

August 21, 2011

This transformation is apparent in this short video of young Aneesa Ansari, who could barely sit upright on her own and needed help to walk. She had developed tuberculosis a couple of years earlier. She had grown resistant to the drugs and, over the next two years, developed tubercular


Your MIND: The Window To Disease

May 8, 2011

That patients recover from illness doesn’t really amaze me any more. After more than 20 years of practising homeopathy, what still takes my breath away is the transformation patients go through, completely and wholly, and the speed with which this often occurs. This transformation is apparent in this short video of young Aneesa


Open Sesame: The Key To Cracking A Case

March 9, 2011

It is with a sense of excitement that I write this post (apologies for the delay) as I have been preparing for an upcoming seminar (Mind & Miasms: Throwing The Constitutional Switch, which I will be presenting on April 3, 2011, Hahnemann Day). With preparation uppermost on my mind, I thought I would discuss


Is Your Personality Making You Sick?

January 30, 2011

How many times have we complimented someone on how “well” they’re looking? You know, that “prosperous’, full-in-the-face, filled-out appearance that usually suggests good food, the comforts of life and pots of money.Now I have nothing against living the good life but what I am trying to say, to use a cliché, is that looks can indeed be


When We Play The Survival Card

January 4, 2011

“Where are my shoes,” Jayesh asked the paramedics as they carried him away from a ravine into which he had tumbled. The 22-year-old lay on a stretcher, bleeding and broken after plunging more than 200 feet from a hill-top But despite multiple facial and bodily fractures, these were the youngster’s first words after he regained consciousne


Join me on a journey of healing as I demonstrate how this magical system of medicine can transform lives, maybe yours too. By digging deep into my case files, I will show you how homeopathy relates to the human condition, delivers patients from physical and emotional pain, and helps them become the best version of themselves. Here's where it all began for me.

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