Curse Of The New-Age Woman

December 14, 2012

As I continue to write this blog, I feel it’s time to take homeopathy to new horizons. The layperson knows little about this beautiful medical system and I feel that, through my work, I can introduce homeopathy to those who have either chosen this system of treatment but are not aware of


Emotional Disturbance Is The Root Of Disease

January 29, 2012

I have practised and taught homeopathy for 22 years and I listen with a sinking heart to patients who tell me they were under homeopathic treatment for many years before coming to me. What they are actually saying is a practitioner who they have trusted with their


Join me on a journey of healing as I demonstrate how this magical system of medicine can transform lives, maybe yours too. By digging deep into my case files, I will show you how homeopathy relates to the human condition, delivers patients from physical and emotional pain, and helps them become the best version of themselves. Here's where it all began for me.

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