About MindHeal Homeopathy
What is MindHeal Homeopathy?
MindHeal Homeopathy is a world-class, multi-specialty homeopathy clinic in Mumbai specialising in holistic treatment. It is an ISO-certified clinic and its founder Dr Anita Salunkkhe is an internationally recognised homeopath whose scientific and successful approach has made her one of the most sought-after homeopathic practitioners in India.
Why MindHeal Homeopathy?
MindHeal Homeopathy is based on the principle that our mental state – our thoughts, beliefs, attitudes and emotions – determines our health. Since unhealthy thought processes produce disease, using the Mind-Body connection effectively can return patients to optimal health.

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Dr Anita Salunkkhe
Dr Anita Salunkkhe is an internationally acclaimed homeopath, who specialises in pathological and incurable cases. She is also known for her incredible success with psychiatric patients and treating mental health issues.
Her accurate diagnoses and quick results are based on her ground-breaking Eight Step Method – a global first in homeopathy. Dr Salunkkhe’s approach to treatment focuses on altering unhealthy thought patterns and curing disease at the genetic and constitutional levels.
This is deep healing. It is not symptomatic. And it is long-term.
Read more about Dr Anita Salunkkhe