

Fibroadenoma is a benign breast growth that most commonly presents in teenage girls and women under the age of thirty. people equate any type of breast lump with cancer and get anxious over it. Fibroadenoma carries a very slight risk for future breast cancer, but the majority of fibroadenoma are benign breast growths.


The following are some of the symptoms of Fibroadenoma: Fibroadenomas are the most commonly diagnosed benign breast tumor in young women. • It is a sphere shaped, with a smoother surface than most malignant breast cancers. • While malignant tumors tend to be immobile, fibroadenoma growths move easily within the breast. • Estrogen sensitivity is thought to play a role in fibroadenoma growth • Some tumors may increase in size towards the end of the menstruation or during pregnancy. • After menopause, many fibroadenomas spontaneously shrink due to lower estrogen levels. • Fibroadenoma growths are usually painless, but size and location of the growth can cause breast tenderness or pain. • A fibroadenoma feels slightly malleable or rubbery to the touch when examined. • While younger women tend to have clearly defined fibroadenoma growths, older women may present with breast calcification rather than masses. • Fibroadenoma are usually isolated breast masses. In ten to fifteen percent of cases multiple fibroadenomas may occur, and may be present in both breasts. Types of Fibroadenoma All fibroadenoma are composed of glandular cells and fibroconnective, or stromal, cells. The majority of fibroadenoma grow no larger than one to three centimeters, but some may grow to over five centimeters, or two inches, in length. These unusually large growths are referred to as giant fibroadenoma. Fibroadenomas found in teenagers are often referred to as juvenile fibroadenomas. Fibroadenoma Diagnosis • Fibroadenoma diagnosis begins with a physical examination, • mammogram (breast x-ray) • breast ultrasound • Ultimately, a biopsy sample is the only definitive diagnostic method for fibroadenoma.

Homeopathic Treatment

As benign growths, fibroadenomas are not always removed from the breast. Instead, the mass is left and carefully monitored for changes in shape and size. If tumor size or location causes pain or discomfort, then the fibroadenoma will be removed. Breast Cancer and Fibroadenoma Complications Women with fibroadenoma have a slightly higher risk of breast cancer than other women, but not by a significant amount. Very rarely, cancerous cells are found in fibroadenoma biopsy samples, but almost all fibroadenoma are benign.