The word syndrome simply means the group of symptoms. Thus Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is the syndrome is a chain of symptoms affecting the large intestine (colon) of the patients. It causes several symptoms like bloating, gas, cramping, sensation of incomplete evacuation, the repetitive urge to pass stool, etc. A person suffering from IBS experiences continuous and repeated abdominal pain during passing of motion or alterations in bowel habits like diarrhea, constipation etc without any visible cause. Irritable Bowel Syndrome is the dysfunction of the bowel habits. The bowel doesn’t works appropriately as it should do. The normal person’s bowel are always without any inflammation or any kind of structural changes. Whereas in people suffering from IBS, the intestines squeezed hard enough or slower than normal functioning causing the food to move too quickly or very slowly through the intestine. IBS is also known as mucous colitis, colitis, spastic bowel, irritable colon, spastic colon, nervous colon or functional bowel disease. Most of the names are not accurate and explains the disease condition in the particular time frame. For example, colitis is the inflammation of the intestine but in IBS there is no kind of inflammation of the bowel, so shouldn’t be confused with diseases like ulcerative colitis. Incidence: Around 20% people are seen suffering from this condition during any course of their lifetime and it serves to be the single most common reason for people acquiring gastroenterologist’s opinion. According to the statistics, people miss their work more for IBS and such related disorders rather than other conditions. People with all age group and sexes are affected by IBS; however young people are more in numbers being affected by this disorder during their late adolescence or early adulthood. It is two to three time more common in females than in males.
Following are some of the symptoms experienced by people diagnosed with Irritable Bowel Syndrome: Nature of illness: IBS is a subjective disorder and depends upon the patients. Some people suffer from it during the stressful and crises situation in their life and later it sinks once the hard times goes away. Also the duration of IBS is different for different people. The symptoms sometimes appear while sometimes it disappears leading to more severe IBS or absence of severity respectively. It deteriorates the condition of the patient. Effect on daily activities:: The primary symptoms of IBS can severely restrict the daily activities of the people. Going through abdominal pain, or frequent diarrhea or constipation can leave a person irritable and frustrated greatly affecting their daily life. Again it widely depends upon how people react to it. IBS and Stress: The condition of IBS is mainly affecting and relating to stress and emotional disorder. Mental stress is seen as main reason for intensifying the condition of gastrointestinal symptoms. Also stress increases the feeling of illness and worsens the health of a person, thereby leading to conditions like IBS greatly affecting their quality of life.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome is not a life-threatening disease, though it gives serious abdominal pain and irritating dysfunction in the bowel system patients suffering from it. People diagnosed with IBS don’t have the chances of getting liver inflammatory diseases like Crohn’s disease or Ulcerative colitis. Homeopathy treatment proves to be the best ideal for curing this chronic infectious disease of irritable bowel syndrome and improve your condition effectively.